최근 EBS 리딩파워 구문편 변형문제를 출간했습니다. 모의고사 수준의 난이도로 변형문제의 퀄리티를 높였고 옆에서 과외 하듯 상세한 해설을 곁들였습니다.

다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
 Team sports such as basketball and soccer provide an opportunity for students to develop skills and to enjoy working and competing together as a team. However, in many school physical education programs, team sports dominate curriculum at the (a) expense of various individual and dual sports, like tennis, swimming, badminton, and golf. In such cases, the students (b) lose the opportunity to develop skills in activities that they can participate in throughout their adult lives. Only through a balanced program of team, dual, and individual sports is it possible to develop well-rounded individuals.

1. 다음 밑줄 (a) 의미와 같은 단어를 고르시오.
mercy         return       cost 
beginning  crisis

2. 아래 주어진 단어를 이용해 밑줄 (b) 의미와 같도록 단어를 배열하시오.
(deprived, skills, the opportunity, for, are, of, developing)
해석: 기술을 개발할 기회를 박탈당한다

정답 및 해설

1. 정답
at the expense of ~ 희생하면서 at the cost of ~ 희생하고 mercy 처분 at the mercy of ~ 처분[마음]대로 at the beginning of 처음에

2. 정답 are deprived of the opportunity for developing skills
be deprived of …
빼앗기다, 박탈당하다 opportunity 뒤에는 to부정사 또는 전치사 for 따른다

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