다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
 If you are being required to do something that you do not want to do or do not see the value in, you may put it off until the very last possible moment or permanently if you can get away it. Many times with school or work you have to do things you really don’t want to do. Putting things off or procrastinating is only going to make matters worse. If there are consequences to something, those consequences are still going to be there when you finally get around to facing them, and they will likely get worse the longer you put it off. Ask yourself, “What am I afraid of?” and then deal with it. Many times, if not always, things are worse in our head than reality ever turns out to be. Just be honest and admit the fear, deal with it, get past it and step up and live your life!

  Procrastinate No More!

  What Is the Psychology of Procrastination?

  How Many Times Do You Put Things Off?

  Look Over the Reasons for Why You Put Things Off

  Understanding and Overcoming Procrastination

정답 및 해설

제목은 핵심어 찾기이다. 핵심어는 주제문에 나온다.
Putting things off or procrastinating is only going to make matters worse (일을 미루는 것, 즉 지체하는 것은 상황을 더 나쁘게 할 뿐이다.) 따라서 Procrastinate No More! 더 이상 미루지 말라! 는 ①번이 적절하다.


     미루는 심리 작용은 무엇일까?

     일을 번이나 미루십니까?

     당신이 일을 미루는 이유를 살펴보십시오

     일을 미루는 것을 이해하고 극복하기

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