다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
Valuing diverse thought is harder than you would think, because we all have hidden biases and perspectives that if ① not understood can shut down creativity in others. Bias limits open thinking. While we will never likely eliminate our personal bias, it is important to understand your personal bias. Without understanding your own bias, you will make judgments about others’ ideas through a filter that can limit progress. The first step to ② eliminate bias is to understand yourself and what bias you have, so that you can recognize when you are ③ stifling creative thought and disrupt that pattern. This does not mean that you have to ④ accept every idea that comes across your desk! The truth of the matter is that leader will say they want and value creativity, but in reality when all is said and done they value ideas that fit their view of the world and support their personal yet often ⑤ obvious bias.
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다양한 사고를 가치 있게 여기기가 어려운 이유는 자신들의 세계관에 꼭 맞고 개인적이지만 숨겨져 있는 편견을 지지하는 생각을 가치 있게 여긴다고 했으므로 ⑤번의 obvious(명백한)을 hidden(숨겨진)으로 고쳐야 한다.