[리딩파워] UNIT 13 POINT READING 변형문제

다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

 (a) Watching Amy look so discouraged, Laurie, her best friend, decided she needed some cheering up. So Laurie crossed her eyes and made a stupid face. Amy tried not to look, but Laurie was making another funny face. This time she couldn’t help turning back to see what her friend was doing. It was her famous fish face: she was pushing her ears out, crossing her eyes, and opening her mouth wide. Amy laughed hard. She felt that she was lucky to have a friend that could always cheer her up when (b) she was feeling down.

1. 밑줄 (a) 분사구문을 부사절로 고치시오.

2. 본문의 단어를 이용해 밑줄 (b) 의미와 같도록 작문하시오. (동사의 시제와 태에 주의할 )


1. 정답 After she watched Amy look so discouraged,
2. 정답 she was discouraged
해설: feel down 낙담하다 be discouraged 기가 꺾이다

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